Thursday, August 18, 2011

Heaven's Love

After having lived in 7 different decades (I'm not quite as old as that sounds), I have found (shock) that there really are two different worlds.

The world that the Bible speaks of is basically the dimension that is built to run without God. This is the realm where people are taught that they must either rely on themselves or on the government to meet their every need. Republicans and Democrats? Anyway, this is the world where you are loved if you produce. It could be your company, it could be your family, or it could be your church. If they love you, you are probably producing something of value; otherwise, you would not be loved, and in the case of your company, you would probably be without a job. In our western world, the politician who gives the most (of our money) is the one who is loved so much that he or she is repeatedly re-elected, or eventually promoted to president. If you don't give your spouse what he or she needs, eventually you will be looking for a new spouse. That is just how it works in the world! You are loved for what you do!

Now in God's world, as in just about everything else, His ways are diametrically opposed to the ways of this world. God does not love us because of what we do! Our most righteous, holy moments cannot outweigh our sin. No, God loves us, period. He loves us so much to send His Son to die for us; those who receive Jesus as Lord are adopted into the family of God, and we are loved no matter what we do or do not do. Contrary to the ways of the world, we are first loved, and then we proceed to do good things as a result of the grace that has been given to us.

I have found a Psalm that may be the shortest, but may be one of the most profound. When little is said, that is in itself an exclamation point. Maybe nothing else needs to be said!

Psalm 117 (NIV): "Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD."

The world loves us for what we produce. God loves us. And then we produce!

May we learn to live with Heaven's love here in the midst of this world. May we learn to love others with God's love, knowing it is this love that inspires others to produce good fruit as a result of God's love for them. Amen.

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