Monday, March 29, 2010

Why the Resurrection?

As we enter this holy week leading up to Resurrection Sunday, let us remember how important the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to the Christian faith. Most Americans in one form or another celebrate the Christmas season, and yet only the professed Christian remembers and celebrates Christ's resurrection.

Not only does the Resurrection separate the nominal from the true believer, but it also empowers the true believer with hope beyond fleeting hope, life beyond earthly life, and power beyond human power. Those who have indeed believed that Father God raised His Son Jesus from the dead are counted as the righteous, not by anything we have done, but by the grace of God. It is belief in Christ's resurrection that allows us to participate in His resurrection; if we will count ourselves dead with Christ at the cross, then we will find ourselves raised to new life in Christ as well (Romans 6:1-14).

The most exciting news is this: When Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, He led all who believe in Him to a place, a status, where the sin and death that has haunted the earth since the Garden of Eden no longer has any power. Sin has no right to oppress the Christian, and death has no ability to keep the Christian in the grave. We are, in fact, raised to walk in a new life, free from sin's shackles and free from the fear of death! If Christ had not undone Satan's work by rising from the dead, we would have no hope. Instead, thanks be to God, we are filled with hope--powerful hope--because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. May we celebrate our new life every day, not just on Easter.

God Bless you this Holy Week!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A New Era for the Christian American

All masks are now off! The disguise that liberalism has worn for years past has been dropped and we are now witnessing the "fundamental transformation" that was promised during the last presidential election. Regardless of your and my political stance, it is evident that the role of the Christian has not changed; however, it is now more important than ever for us to be who God has called us to be.

The most important thing that we can do right now is this: to make sure that we are in close contact with our God and to make sure that we are hearing clearly and accurately what He is saying to us. If we are indeed hearing from Him, then we will be well-equipped and well-informed for each and every situation in which we may find ourselves. Each believer in Jesus Christ has been indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and we must consult with the Spirit constantly--insuring that we are residing and walking in the will of God.

Our western way-of-life has kept us running in the fast lane, mindful of earthly duties and obligations, and yes, of earthly pleasures as well. It is time to realign our priorities and to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33). If we do not seek Him for every need, then we are seeking the blessings and not the Blesser; in the end we will find our needs un-met, because we have relied on ourselves and not on our Creator and Provider. In addition, the government is not our provider and never will be. God, and God alone, is able to meet our every need for health, food, and security. Let us seek Him! Do not worry about tomorrow, but seek God and His Son Jesus today!

God Bless!!!